
This is the first comic I drew (partly) on my new iPad.

I've going back and forth between traditional drawing and digital, but always came back to the digital part - mostly due to the freedom / the undo possibilities / the fixing up / moving things around etc.

And I started Mojo 14 years ago, but I was still using the same Wacom tablet I was using back then... it still works very well, but always felt a bit disconnected when drawing ... 

Recently I started to put more effort into my endeavours to become a full-fledged illustrator - digitally. So to do that, I decided to (finally) get me an iPad and a pencil ... and that just changed everything. Drawing feels awesome again, the directness of drawing on the screen ... really mind-blowing great.

So with this comic, I had already inked everything, but felt some lines weren't to my liking. So I exported the file from Clip Studio Paint and moved it over to my iPad, to Adobe Fresco. And there I continued, corrected some lines, moved some parts around, drew the border-lines, wrote the text and colored it.

So in the end, I think that I only used my iPad for 25% of this comic... and it was still a bit struggling. Especially since I had some nice layer and groups setup in Clip Studio Paint ... and those were (kinda) resolved in Fresco. 

Guess that I will have to create a new comic from scratch soon, to find a better workflow there.

And the winner is…

Last month was pretty big. I reached number 200 and because of that, I put the survey live. If you haven’t already filled it in, please do so. It gives me so much insight in what you – the readers – like and expect to see from the comic. It will only cost you a couple of minutes and you might even end up with a great sketch (in case you aren’t the winner of this month Monthly Sketch). So last month we had 44 comments and that got devided over 15 different commenters. Thanks all for the great comments! I really love to hear from you all and I’m (still) in the process of making some adjustments to the website, so I can interact with you guys even better. The comments were from: Saeed, Tim Green, Bearman, Tim Green, CJ Daub, George, Frank, Mark Stokes, Tim Green, tmcelmurry, JerryBenedict, TEDeBEAR and A.M. Frasier, Tim Green, Saeed, George, JerryBenedict, Tim Green, Saeed, White, White, White, White, JerryBenedict, Tim Green, Saeed, Jordan, Jordan, Warren Frantz, JerryBenedict, White, Tim Green, Bearman, Warren Frantz, Frank, Jared, JerryBenedict, tmcelmurry, Tim Green, CJ Daub, White, JerryBenedict, Jande, tmcelmurry and Warren Frantz. And now let’s get to calculating the winner. I received no numbers from my Twitter people, so I’ll just use some of the numbers of this website. 13, 167, 58 and 458. Those numbers are: responses until now on my survey, Facebook likes, InkOutbreak fans and visitors today. So let’s add those together and we’ll get: 696. Next step is calculating the remainder and that will determain the winner. 696 mod 44 = 36. So the 36th commenter will be the winner of this months Sketch Give Away. And the winner is… JerryBenedict Jerry, please send your post address to skar[at]mojocomic[dot]com and let me know if you prefer any particular character. And for the rest of you guys. Thank you so much for commenting this month and just keep on dropping your comments, the more you leave, the higher your chances can get! And if you want to make sure you’ll get a sketch / drawing no matter what… you can always contact me for a commission or to buy a print or original of a comic. Just contact me at skar[at]mojocomic[dot]com

Reader survey 2012

We reached another milestone, comic number 200! When I started the comic, I never thought I would get this far. But now I’m there, I know this was only the beginning. We are now running for more than 2 years and there are a lot people following the comic. So it’s time to get to know you all and to make the website, the comic and the Mojo community better fit your needs. I want to aks you all if you would fill in the Mojo Reader Survey 2012. Thank you so much!

Winners of the Monthly Sketch Giveaway of March 2012

Because I was sick the last couple of days, I had no time / energy to do the calculations for the Monthyl Sketch Giveaway. But now I’m a little better, I – of course – have to do them. And I want to. Because that way I can make someone happy again with a sketch. The last month there were 50 comments written by 24 commenters, so it was again a great month. Thank you all for commenting. Really appreciate it a lot if you guys drop your two cents and let me share your opinion with me and the rest of the readers. So let’s do our calculations again. The comments this month were from: Bearman, JerryBenedict, George, tmcelmurry, Carlo Ostrout, Tim Green, Mark Stokes, Tim Green, JerryBenedict, Mark Stokes, White, Tim Green, JerryBenedict, Mark Stokes, Gooberandcindy.com, Binky, Tim Green, Tim Green, Tim Green, Andrei Esca, JerryBenedict, Mark Stokes, Mark Stokes, Tim Green, Mark Stokes, Chris K, tmcelmurry, Andrei Esca, White, White, JerryBenedict, Phoebe, Tim Green, Jordan, tmcelmurry, Jande, Andrei Esca, Jordan, MJ, Tim Green, JerryBenedict, Jande, Andrei Esca, Mark Stokes, Saeed, Saeed, tmcelmurry, Mark Stokes, Christen, kaitou, Tim Green and White That’s a total of 50 comments. Thanks a lot for the effort, guys. Really love to hear from all of you! The numbers I received from my Twitter followers were: 36, 14, 76 and 29. So let’s add those together and we’ll get: 153. Next step is calculating the remainder and that will determain the winner. 153 mod 50 = 3. So the 3rd commenter will be the winner of this months Sketch Give Away. And the winner is… George Ford Congratulations George. And because I’m in a happy mood, I asked my wife for another number between 0 and 50… she picked number 33… so the 33rd commenter ALSO wins a sketch! And that winner is mr (or ms) White. Congratulations to you too! George and White, please send your address to skar[at]mojocomic[dot]com and let me know if you prefer any particular character. And for the rest of you guys. Thank you so much for commenting this month and just keep on dropping your comments, the more you leave, the higher your chances can get! And if you want to make sure you’ll get a sketch / drawing no matter what… you can always contact me for a commission or to buy a print or original of a comic. Just contact me at skar[at]mojocomic[dot]com

Monthly Sketch Giveaway February 2012

And another month has gone by, with more comments (55) and commenters (19) than the previous month. Before I will tell you … no wait… calculate with you who this months winner is, let’s state a few minor rules. – previous winners do not apply for the price, but please keep commenting, maybe I will rewards top comments in another way later this year. – I will include previous winners in the determination of the winner, but if the result is a previous winner the next person in line will be the winner – if the calculation ends with 0, the last person of the list is the winner (thanks for Kaitou for pointing that out) Ok. Without further ado let’s see who is this months winner. The comments this month were from: kaitou, Pascal, kaitou, Mark Stokes, Saeed, Michael Hawkins, Tim Green, JerryBenedict, Tim Green, Bearman, JerryBenedict, Mark Stokes, Tim Green, qka, Bearman, Tim Green, JerryBenedict, Saeed, Frank, JerryBenedict, Chris K, Tim Green, CJ Daub, Mark Stokes, Mark Stokes, Mark Stokes, Tim Green, JerryBenedict, LuLong, Tim Green, JerryBenedict, Saeed, Binky, Binky, Mark Stokes, White, White, Saeed, Tim Green, Tim Green, Saeed, White, JerryBenedict, Mark Stokes, dfgdgh, Tim Green, qka, JerryBenedict, Saeed, Craggie, Mark Stokes, Carlo Ostrout, White, WG, Bearman That’s a total of 55 comments. Thanks a lot for the effort, guys. Really love to hear from all of you! The numbers I received from my Twitter followers were: 10, 88, 12, 57, 13 and 189. So let’s add those together and we’ll get: 369. Next step is calculating the remainder and that will determain the winner. 369 mod 55 = 39. So the 39th commenter will be the winner of this months Sketch Give Away. And the winner is… Tim Green Congratulations Tim. Another person who commented often (10 times this month), so it shows… comment often and increase your change of winning! And I’m really happy that Tim won, because besides that he comments often, he also finds the time to draw his own webcomic, Vinnie the Vampire. Go check it out, it’s worth it! Well, for the rest of you guys. Thank you so much for commenting this month and just keep on dropping your comments, the more you drop them, the higher your chances get! And if you want to make sure you’ll get a sketch / drawing no matter what… you can always contact me for a commission or to buy a print or origional of a comic. Just contact me at skar[at]mojocomic[dot]com

Monthly Sketch Giveaway January 2012

It’s the last day of this month, so it’s time to pick the winner of this first months Monthly Sketch Giveaway. I’ve thought of a method which will pick the winner with some help from my Twitter followers. Here is a list of the people who commented (in decending order of their comments, first to last): Mike Mark Stokes Tim Green Tim Green Mark Stokes Chris K Sean tmcelmurry Tim Green Bearman dgriff13 Mort J. Moose White Tim Green JerryBenedict JARoo Rob Lopez Saeed Saeed Mark Stokes Tim Green Chris K JerryBenedict Saeed Tim Green Mark Stokes Mark Stokes Mark Stokes Tim Green Jeff Couturier kaltou Tim Green Jared White JerryBenedict dgriff13 Tim Green JerryBenedict Saeed Mark Stokes Mark Stokes dgriff13 That’s a total of 17 commenters, spread over 42 comments. Ok, to determine the winner I had some help from my Twitter followers and math. I asked my Tweeps to give me some numbers and I got: 9, 7, 36, 3, 1945 and 43. Now if we add all those numbers together we get 2043. And now some help from math: we use the number of comments (42) and calculate the modulus (remainder) and that’s the winner. Brilliant, not?! So. 2043 mod 42 = 27. So the person who wrote the 27th comment is our first winner of the Monthly Sketch Giveaway of January 2012. And that person is… Mark Stokes. Congrats Mark. I’m honored to send you the first sketch, especially since you are one of my true fans, dear colleague and also one of the top commenters this month. Let me know what character you wish to have sketched and send me your home address at skar[at]mojocomic[dot]com For the rest of you. Please come back next month, leave as much comments as you want (since it will increase you changes to win) and thanks for playing 😀