Latest Comics
Feeling creative?
I have some exciting times to come the next couple of months. First I will getting married the 23rd of December (that’s in 2 weeks!!!).
And second we (my girlfriend aka future-wife-to-be and me) expect our baby to be born Februari 2011.
Since it’s gonna be our first baby I have no idea what to expect, so I kinda have the feeling I will have some troubles to keep Mojo up-to-date twice a week. So that’s where you guys are needed!
It would be great to have some comics, just to maintain the regular schedule. The next couple of months I will do my best to prepare at least a couple of weeks of comics, so I can at least try to keep the regular schedule going… but it would be awesome if you (yes, I point at you there!) could help this father-to-be out by doing a guest strip.
Anything goes, as long as you don’t kill off the guys… I really don’t care about your drawing skills, just draw, scribble or whatever way you want to create. Or you could even try using photography or cut paste from my older comics or whatever you want… And don’t worry about storylines or anything, you can just create whatever you want however you want. Isn’t that awesome?!!
So grab this opportunity!
Don’t be shy, just do it!
Just make a nice comic within the Mojo universe and I’ll be tremendously thankfull!
Some guidelines for the guest comic:
– width of the cartoon is 780 pixels
– height is flexible, so don’t feel bound by that
– don’t hold back, if you want to create multiple comics… the more the merrier.
– the deadline is the end of January / begin of February. Let’s say (for arguments sake) 12th of February 2011
If you want to know more, you can email me at: oskar [at] rakso [dot] nl or contact me on twitter: @skar or facebook
Gueststrip for Dawn
Fellow webcomic creator Dawn got married a couple of weeks ago. As a wedding gift I’ve created a guest strip which had the theme ‘geeky groom’. Check it out here:
And for everyone wondering, the crowd is a mix of other webcomic characters:
On the left side:
First row: Ben, Mojo and Merv (Mojo)
Second row: Bull (Cock&Bull), Tucker (Pinkerton Park), Ollie (Ollie & Quentin)
Third row: Bug, Chicken (Salvage Chickens)
And on the right side:
First row (standing): Zorphbert and Fred
Second row: Death (Misery Loves Sherman), Landon (Spooky Doofus) and the stick figure from xkcd
Third row: Robot (Robot Beach) and Imy

Work in progress
After having the same old boring design since I’ve started Mojo, I’m now working on a redesign. I also want to implement more features to the site, like: twitter intergration (so you guys can check out my latest tweets, facebook LIKE button, an cast/about page, a how-it’s-made-page and even more.
So stay tuned. I want to have the redesign finished as soon as possible, but I’m also pretty busy (if I’m not drawing Mojo) with prepairing our house for the baby and making preparations for the wedding 😀
Guest strips
In case you just tuned in and missed my previous post, I’ll ask it again:
The end of August I’ll be gone (on a holiday) for two weeks and in the meantime it would be great to have some comics, just to maintain the regular schedule.
Of course I will prepare some comics myself, but if ANYONE is interested in doing a guest strip while I’m gone: I would LOVE to see other people’s take on the characters.
Anything goes, as long as you don’t kill off the guys… I really don’t care about your drawing skills, just draw, scribble or whatever way you want to create. Or you could even try using photography or cut paste from my older comics or whatever you want… You also don’t need to follow the storylines, those will just go on ‘hold’ for a couple of comics… we’ll continue the storyline when I’m back. You can just create whatever you want however you want. Isn’t that awesome?!!
So grab this opportunity!
Don’t be shy, just do it!
Just make a nice comic within the Mojo universe and I’ll be tremendously thankfull!
This is your chance to become one of the first people who created a guest strips for Mojo! And besides that, it’s freakingly fun to do!
Some minor details about the guest comic:
– width of the cartoon is 780 pixels
– height is flexible, so don’t feel bound by that
– don’t hold back, if you want to create multiple comics… that’s fine by me
– please send me your guestcomic(s) before the 16th of August, so I can schedule them before I’m on my holiday
If you are interested, please email me at: oskar [at] rakso [dot] nl or contact me on twitter: @skar
Slight delay
Sorry guys. But the last couple of days were busy as hell. So I didn’t had time to prepare the comic for tomorrow. I wanted to do it quickly tonight, but I don’t want to disappoint you all with some crappy comic. So I will have it tomorrow (Thursday) evening.
And to give you at least something, here is just some work-in-progress: