
6 thoughts on “Company

  1. I love this one. It is so true 🙂

    1. +1
      Love the layout.
      This would look good as a poster on my wall… 😀

      1. Thanks a lot, mate! And maybe I should implement some way to order a print, so you could order one. I’ll contact you about the poster though, sounds like an awesome experiment ^^

    2. Thanks mate. It’s always a surprise what comic people like and what not. Especially when there is no joke it surprises me often ^^

  2. Love this
    Would also pay for a print/poster ^_^

    1. I will setup something soon to make it possible to buy prints/posters. Thank you for your interest.
      You can – of course – already send me an email at skar[at]mojocomic[dot]com and request the print you are interested in.

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