
The story about the extra life companion/pet continues. If you haven't read the start, you can check it here. I think I finally getting the hang of drawing digitally. Last weeks strip I really liked in style and this weeks is even better - if I'm allowed to comment on my own work. I also starting to get a hang on the workflow. Every strip is taking less and less time. This is also the first time I tried something different with the layout of the strip. I thought it might be nice to add the borders, just to give it a little more body. And this is also the first time I placed the strip on one row. Well... I would love to hear what you all think of it. Let me know in the comments, please.

5 thoughts on “Fishes

  1. Tekenen gaat idd goed! Verhaaltjes vind ik nog niet altijd even sterk, daar zit meer in. Maar je ‘characters’ heb je goed voor elkaar denk ik.

  2. Ziet er gelikt uit man.
    11de al?
    Je kan al bijna een kalender uitbrengen. 😉
    Ga zo door!

  3. Paul O (de andere)

    Einde vervolgverhaal? Meer games-related!

    1. Thanks Ennio, Paul en Craggie.

      @Paul: je merkt vanzelf hoe het verder gaat. En er komen heus nog wel weer game-gerelateerde strips. Mojo en Ben zijn gamers, dus tja… kan niet anders 😀

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