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Don't forget, there is still time to surprise me with a guest strip. It would help me so much! The due date for the baby is nearing... aprox 6 weeks now. And I really have no clue how much time I have when the baby is there, to keep Mojo up to date. Of course I'll do my best to maintain the regular schedule, but to help this dad-to-be out... you can create a guest strip.
6 thoughts on “Shape Shifter”
This just goes to prove my point…squirrels are evil!
Ooooor…. Ben made the squirrel evil 😛
I love drawing the “annoyed eyes” don’t you? #YAYsquirrels
I think anything around Ben too long has the ability to become eeeeevvvvviiiiiillllll……. 🙂
This is great. We had a guy back in the mid 80’s when I would dabble in D&D from time to time that would go on huge tangents like this…well not like this specifically but you get the the point. So super funny job.
@Dawn: True that! I just love those annoyed eyes. One single line can have so much emotions in it 🙂
@Tmcelmurry: While drawing this comic, I could just see Ben being over-enthousiastic… rambling all these combinations… and (in the end) being completely lost in his own mind 😀